Marlene Dumas is a South African-born painter who currently lives and works in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Dumas has previously created paintings, collages, drawings, prints, and installations. She now mostly works with oil on canvas and ink on paper.
Marlene Dumas tends to paint her figures at the extreme extremities of life’s cycle, from birth to death, with a consistent emphasis on classical means of representation in Western art, such as the nude or funerary portrait. Marlene Dumas employs the human figure to challenge contemporary concepts of racial, sexual, and social identity by working within and beyond these conventional historical precedents.
How much does Marlene Dumas make per year?
Marlene Dumas’s income per year is unknown to the general public
What is Marlene Dumas’s net worth?
Marlene Dumas’s net worth is $5 million as of 2023.
Is Marlene Dumas rich?
Marlene Dumas shows that he is a rich man.
What Car does Marlene Dumas drive?
The car Marlene Dumas drives is unknown to the general public.
Does Marlene Dumas own any properties?
Marlene Dumas does not make his properties known to the public.
How did Marlene Dumas make her money?
In 2005, one of Dumas’ paintings sold at auction for $3.4 million, making her the highest-paid living female artist.