Mark Shuttleworth’s Siblings: Meet Grant Shuttleworth

Full Biography

Mark Shuttleworth, now 49 years old, was born in South Africa. Mark Shuttleworth’s Life Path Number is 2, based on numerology. He is a well-known businessman, astronaut, and entrepreneur.
The man behind the well-known Ubuntu open-source operating system. He was the first man of African descent to travel to space. Grant Shuttleworth is Mark’s siblings

Height and weight

Grant Shuttleworth’s height and weight are not known

Nationality & Ethnicity

Grant Shuttleworth is a citizen of South Africa.


Grant Shuttleworth’s educational status is not known

Any Other Information

According to sources, as of late 2017, the net worth was estimated to be $500 million, with the majority coming from economic achievements.

Shuttleworth was one of the Debian operating system’s developers in the 1990s.

Shuttleworth established the Shuttleworth Foundation in 2001, a nonprofit organization dedicated to social innovation that also funds educational, free, and open-source software projects in South Africa, such as the Freedom Toaster.

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