Biography & Wikipedia
Mkhululi Siqula, often known as Heavy K, is a well-known South African DJ and producer who was born on December 4th, 1991. Songs from the DJ like “Ndibambe” and “Umoya” are well-known. Heavy-K has collaborated on beats with many famous South African artists and recorded some dope songs with them.
Heavy-K’s child is Juju. Unfortunately, there is little information about Juju. The page will be updated if more information is found.
Age and birthday
Juju’s age and date of birth are unknown
Height and weight
Juju’s height and weight are unknown
Nationality & Ethnicity
Juju is a citizen of South Africa with a black accent
Juju’s educational background is unknown
Parents and siblings
Heavy K divorced his baby mom Ntombi Nguse in 2020, after they stated they were getting married in 2018 but had to call it quits owing to issues they couldn’t resolve. He is currently not in a public relationship with anyone.
Husband and children
Juju is not married and does not have a child
Salary and net worth
Juju’s salary and net worth are unknown
Social media: Instagram & Twitter
Juju’s social media’s handle is unknown