Biography & Wikipedia
Mkhululi Siqula, better known as Heavy K, is a South African DJ and producer who was born on December 4, 1991. “Ndibambe” and “Umoya” are two of the DJ’s most well-known songs. Heavy-K has collaborated on beats with many famous South African artists and has released amazing collaborations with many of them.
Age and birthday
Heavy-K was born on December 4, 1991 (32 years of age).
Height and weight
Heavy-K’s height and weight are unknown
Nationality & Ethnicity
Heavy K is originally from South Africa’s Port Elizabeth.
Heavy K went to Mzimhlophe Public Primary School and completed portion of his primary schooling at Emfundeni. He eventually attended Ndzondelelo Secondary School for his secondary studies.
Parents and siblings
Heavy-K’s father, Phindlie Siqula, worked as a mechanic. However, his siblings and mother are unknown
Wife and children
Heavy-K met Ntombi in a Grahamstown club in 2014. They married and raised two children together. The pair divorced in 2019.
Salary and net worth
Heavy K’s net worth is reported to be at $3 million. His salary is not made public
Social media: Instagram & Twitter
TWITTER: HEAVY-K (@HeavykDrumboss)
INSTAGRAM: HEAVY-K (@heavykdrumboss)