Alan Knott-Craig was born on August 14, 1977. Alan Knott-Craig is a successful businessperson. Alan Knott-Craig is a wealthy businessman who was born in South Africa.
Alan Knott-Craig is also on the list of the Most Popular Businesspeople. Alan Knott-Craig is 42 years old and one of the most famous people in our database.
How much does Alan Knott-Craig make per year?
Knott-Craig earned R17. 3 million in 2013 and R29. 2 million in 2014, totaling R46. 5 million over the two years.
What is Alan Knott-Craig’s net worth?
Alan Knott-Craig has a net worth of 5 million dollars.
Is Alan Knott-Craig rich?
According to Alan Knott Craig’s income per year and net worth, he is a rich man
What Car does Alan Knott-Craig drive?
Alan Knott-Craig has a couple of cars but he kept them private.
Does Alan Knott-Craig own any properties?
His house is one of 430 modern Cape Dutch units in a new development formed by the merger of three vineyards.
How did Alan Knott-Craig make his money?
In 2010, Alan Knott-Craig founded and became CEO of World of Avatar, an African app investment firm, and later acquired and became CEO of Mxit, Africa’s largest social network.