DJ Tira was born in KwaHlabisa Village, KwaZulu-Natal, and moved to Durban with his family in 1979. DJ Tira’s attended Mlokothwa High School before enrolling in 1995 at the University of Natal, currently known as UKZN, to study human resources.
How much does DJ Tira make per year?
Dj Tira income per year is $11.5K.
What is DJ Tira’s net worth?
DJ Tira has a net worth of $550,000.
Is DJ Tira rich?
DJ Tira is a rich man per his net worth.
What Car Does DJ Tira drive?
DJ Tira owns and drive a Range Rover Sport SVR with a 5.0-litre supercharged V8 engine producing 550 hp and 502 lb-ft of peak power and torque. according to research, DJ Tira love the car and always drive in it.
Does DJ Tira own any properties?
DJ Tira is the owner of his own record label, Afrotainment. The label launched in 2007, and it has since grown to become one of the most popular musical labels in African and in the world as whole.
How did DJ Tira make his money?
DJ Tira owns Makoya Chicken, a fast-food restaurant that specializes on chicken, fruits, and veggies.
DJ Tira is also the originator of Fact Durban Rocks, the country’s largest biennial festival, which frequently features the biggest and best acts in South Africa.