Sho Madjozi was born on May 9, 1992, in Shelly Village, Elim, Limpopo, to Rosemary Phaweni and Marc Wegerif, who ran a non-governmental organization that assisted people with land claims.
Sho Madjozi’s real name is Maya Christinah Xichavo Wegerif. Sho Madjozi is a South African singer and rapper from Limpopo. Sho Madjozi was the first female South African artist to win Best New International Act at the 2019 BET Awards. Sho Madjozi also received the Newcomer and Female Artist Award at the 2019 South African Music Awards (SAMAs), which were held in Sun City.
How much does Sho Madjozi make per year?
Sho Madjozi’s income per year is unknown
What is Sho Madjozi’s net worth?
Sho Madjozi’s net worth is $5 million as of 2023.
Is Sho Madjozi rich?
Sho Madjozi is rich according to her net worth
What Car Does Sho Madjozi drive?
Sho Madjozi’s car she drives is unknown
Does Sho Madjozi own any properties?
Sho Madjozi’s properties she owns are unknown
How did Sho Madjozi make his money?
Sho Madjozi makes her money through music (entertainment)