Biography & Wikipedia
Busi Mhlongo was born on October 28, 1947, in Inanda, KwaZulu Natal. Although little is known about her parents, it is known that her mother, Flora Mhlongo, died in 2001. Jabulani and Ndaba are her siblings. Ndaba died as well. Did you know that Busi and Somizi Mhlongo are cousins? Busi’s nephew is Somizi.
Age and birthday
Busi Mhlongo was born on October 28, 1947. Currently, she is currently 76 years of age.
Height and weight
Busi Mhlongo’s height and weight are unknown
Nationality & Ethnicity
Busi Mhlongo is a citizen of South Africa with a black accent
Busi Mhlongo
Political party and views
Parents and siblings
Jabulani and Ndaba are her siblings. Ndaba passed away as well. Unfortunately, her parents are unknown
Husband and children
Busi Mhlongo married drummer Early Mabuza before departing for Portugal in 1968. The couple had a child.
Salary and net worth
Busi Mhlongo’s net worth is 8 million dollars but his salary is nuknown
Social media: Instagram & Twitter
Twitter: Busi Mhlongo (@_busimhlongo)
Instagram: Unknown