Willis Austin Chimano’s net worth & Salary

Willis Austin Chimano is a well-known Kenyan Pop Singer who was born on July 9, 1987. At the 2011 Kisima Music Awards, he and the ensemble were named Best Fusion Artist/ensemble of the Year, as well as Best Music Video.

Sauti Sol, a Kenyan afro-pop band notable for their debut album Mwanzo, is a pop vocalist and one-third of the band Sauti Sol. They have garnered multiple Kisima Music Awards, MTV Europe Music Awards, and BET Awards nominations.

How much does Willis Austin Chimano make per year?

The amount Willis Austin Chimano makes per year is unknown to the general public

What is Willis Austin Chimano’s net worth?

Willis Austin Chimano’s net worth is $5 million as of  2023

Is Willis Austin Chimano rich?

Willis Austin Chimano’s net worth shows that he is a rich man

What Car does Willis Austin Chimano drive?

The car Willis Austin Chimano drives are unknown to the public. He likes to keep it private.

How did Willis Austin Chimano make his money?

Willis Austin Chimano is a vocalist, keytarist, saxophonist, and member of the popular all-boy band Sauti Sol. As a result, he made money from entertainment.

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